Category: MCDM
The Trouble With Underwater Adventures
Where to begin. There’s the question of how you breathe. And the question of how far you can swim. And the question of whether or not ranged weapon attacks work normally. And perhaps most importantly of all…
How Two Devils Dressed Like a Lich Stole Christmas
Who is the lich? A pair of devil clerks, one standing on the other, wearing a long red robe and a wax mask. The one on top goes by McCallister, and the other goes by…
Fighting in the Rain
“Today is sunny,” you announce. Or it’s partly cloudy or windy or there is a hail storm. Most of the time this augur is forgotten as quickly as it is proclaimed, and it has no bearing whatsoever on the day’s challenges…
An Unplanned Visit to the Plane of Earth
What we seem to remember most in TTRPGs is not the clever setup by the game master, but rather the audacious, imaginative actions of the players…
Guest Appearance on Goblin Points
Hello, brave adventurers! This is an out of cycle post to share that I was recently interviewed on the Goblin Points podcast.