Category: Featured
A Brief History of the Smoldering Isles
Let us escape, you and I, to the tropical fantasy land of the Smoldering Isles. Here the drakona people rule the land, copper-skinned jungle elves sell fried plantains on the street, and beach dwarfs craft magical weapons made of sand glass.
Fighting in the Rain
“Today is sunny,” you announce. Or it’s partly cloudy or windy or there is a hail storm. Most of the time this augur is forgotten as quickly as it is proclaimed, and it has no bearing whatsoever on the day’s challenges…
The Belt of Yiffrey: An Introductory 5e Adventure
Here is the introductory adventure in its entirety, intended for 4-5 level 1 players. The giant spider encounter could have wiped out the party, but…
Adventure Concept: The Night Banquet
Hello, and welcome to another adventure concept inspired by a manipulated fantasy image! Here is a unforgettable tale which is sure to impress and entertain your players. This image is flashy enough that you might have seen it before…
Side Quests for Wilderness Travel: River & Plains
Continuing on the theme from the last post, I bring two more side quests for different wilderness environments. The hooks for these side quests are based on the truth universally recognized…
5 Memorable Magical Trinkets (And Two Regrettable Items)
Some magic items are memorable because they were the object of a lengthy quest. Some magic items are memorable because they were used in a pivotal moment. And some are memorable because they are dumb…
Better Nature Themed Monsters: More Than Entangle
Friends, we all like a sinister vine that softly creeps up behind someone and snakes around their ankle. I take no issue with this. What I take issue with is that plant monsters have nothing better than entangle…
How Far Can You See in a Forest
The characters are sneaking through a forest, looking for a band of goblins that are rumored to be in the area. Just as they spot a campfire with several small humanoids around it, a character steps on a stick, alerting the goblins to their presence. You say, “Roll for initiative!”…
Wilderness Travel at Low Levels
Throughout the ages people have tried to tame the wilderness, and the wilderness fights back. We think we have conquered, but we have merely carved out corners of the world. And security is but an illusion. The players should feel this when they step off the road, especially when their…