Category: Campaign
Side Quests for Wilderness Travel: Mountain & Swamp
Travelling through the wilderness should feel exciting, dangerous, and explorative. The next few posts will be a series of side quests to place in wilderness travel that reward players for exploration…
Low Level Nature Dungeon
From one perspective, every time characters journey through the wilderness, they are in a natural dungeon. The walls are made of rivers, cliff edges, and tree lines, and the traps are predators that lie in wait for easy prey. But for most of us, when we want a dungeon we…
The First Rule of Being a Goblin is that a Dead Person Does Not Need a Sword
Several years ago I asked a group of friends if they wanted to play a short campaign as goblin characters. It turned out to be one of the dumbest, most severely railroaded games I have ever run, but parts of it were also quite enjoyable…
Campaign: Rise of the Serpentines
Many years ago the people of the Smoldering Isles were conquered and subjugated by a truly evil people of serpentine form. Here are their stat blocks and an epic adventure outline in which they seek to rule again.