Category: Campaign
Treasure Hunt: Quests for Endgame Magic Items
As adventurers grow in might, becoming heroes of the realm, they are no longer satisfied by such paltry items as a +1 magic sword and turn their eyes to greater treasures that have long been lost…
How Two Devils Dressed Like a Lich Stole Christmas
Who is the lich? A pair of devil clerks, one standing on the other, wearing a long red robe and a wax mask. The one on top goes by McCallister, and the other goes by…
The Ostlands: Realm of a Thousand Shores
The Ostlands is the homebrew setting for my newest campaign. This is the first ever setting that I have created collaboratively with my players, sketching out the bones of the world through questions and answers. I am very pleased with the results…
The Belt of Yiffrey: An Introductory 5e Adventure
Here is the introductory adventure in its entirety, intended for 4-5 level 1 players. The giant spider encounter could have wiped out the party, but…
Adventure Concept: The Night Banquet
Hello, and welcome to another adventure concept inspired by a manipulated fantasy image! Here is a unforgettable tale which is sure to impress and entertain your players. This image is flashy enough that you might have seen it before…
Adventure Concept: The Return of Ao Jun
There is only one reasonable explanation that would result in a girl approaching such a massive and dignified carp. You see it too, of course…
Adventure Concept: The Cult of the Forgotten God
In an agricultural valley, a cicada swarm has returned for the first time in 1,000 years. This has resurfaced a memory of an ancient prophecy: When the Andiland run dry And the land touch the sky…
Side Quests for Wilderness Travel: Desert & Coast
Once again I meet you with two more side quests for different wilderness environments. These side quests also test the principle that if a player character is handed anything…
Side Quests for Wilderness Travel: River & Plains
Continuing on the theme from the last post, I bring two more side quests for different wilderness environments. The hooks for these side quests are based on the truth universally recognized…