The Belt of Yiffrey: An Introductory 5e Adventure

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A set of D&D dice laid out on a stone slab, ready to begin.

Last weekend I ran an introductory one-shot for a new group, two of whom were first-time players. We had been introduced a month previously at a Korean karaoke bar, and after a couple bottles of soju they asked if I would run a D&D game for them. Naturally, I agreed.

We had an excellent time. The giant spider encounter could have wiped out the party, but that was okay because it set expectations that the world was dangerous. They managed to avoid all other combat encounters except the host of zombies at the end.

Here is the adventure in its entirety, intended for 4-5 level 1 players.

There is also a video at the end.

A view overlooking a medieval town, with a manor on a hill.
Image by Marwib

Chapter 1: The City of Eltureal

Introduce the Characters

You are walking the cobblestone streets of the city Eltureal, headed to Lord Bailic’s manor. You are going there on information shared with you by the barmaid Tessa of the Stag’s Head. She heard from a reliable source that Lord Bailic is looking for adventurers to complete a dangerous quest. Tessa did not know the details of the quest, but she seemed confident there was gold to be made in it.

Please describe yourself as you walk down the street.

Receive the Quest

You approach the manicured lawn of the lord’s manor, passing rose bushes in full bloom. You explain your intent to a guard, and after a short wait you are given an audience with the lord of Eltureal.

You are shown to a study where a human nobleman with pronounced brows and silver streaks in his black beard sits behind a desk.

“Come closer! Let me see the brave souls who have come to serve their lord.” He offers his ring for you to kiss.

  • Swears characters to secrecy.
  • Has in his possession the Belt of Yiffrey. (Stands to display a belt of interlocked steel rings, empty setting at the center.)
  • This artifact is useless without the blood moonstone that belongs in the empty setting.
  • Happens to know that the swamp hag Tilda Nightshade is in possession of it.
  • Wants the characters to acquire the blood moonstone. Under no circumstances are they to tell Tilda Nightshade that he is the one who wants it.
    • “Oh, my grandfather stole from her ages ago. She has probably forgotten, but let’s not take the risk, eh?”
  • Offers 200 gp as a reward. Will not negotiate or give an advance. Will give a Potion of Healing on a high Persuasion role.

Prepare for Adventure

The player characters have a chance to learn:

  • (History 10+): Tilda Nightshade is a local green hag of murderous reputation. Everyone knows to stay well away from her hut in the Dismal Swamp.
  • (Nature or Survival 10+): The Dismal Swamp is also home to goblins, lizardfolk, and a variety of giant frogs and insects.
  • (History or Arcana 12+): The Belt of Yiffrey is a minor artifact that is commonly known to protect the wearer from most curses.
  • (History or Arcana 18+): You have reason to believe the common knowledge of the Belt of Yiffrey is incorrect and suspect it actually has necromantic powers.

If the characters stop by the Stag’s Head, they learn the following from Tessa (halfling):

  • Her cousin saw the hag once and barely escaped with his life. There were bursts of green fire, long shadows cast from nothing, and something invisible pulling on his hair and pinching his ears as he fled.
  • Her other cousin was picking mushrooms in the swamp the other day, and he got scared off by giant spiders nearly twice his size
  • For a cut of the reward, she will loan them her mother’s lucky rabbit’s foot. Once per day, when you roll a 1 on a d20 you can reroll and take the new number.
A gray and wet swamp of tall trees and standing water.
No attribution

Chapter 2: The Dismal Swamp

Enter the Swamp

It is a three-hour walk to the Dismal Swamp, which you pass uneventfully on the cart track that connects Eltureal to several local farms and villages. If the party sets out that day, they reach the Dismal Swamp in the midafternoon.

The edge of the swamp is almost pleasant—a dense maple and elm forest with a thick layer of rotting leaves that muffles your footsteps. It is not long, however, until you are picking your way through mud and standing water, swatting at a cloud of mosquitos.

How are you travelling? Stealthily, torches, marching order, etc.

Spider Encounter

You head to the southern end of the swamp where Tilda Nightshade is said to live. As you walk deeper into the dank and the dark, you notice spiderwebs that are thick and white stretching between the trees.

Make a Perception check.

  • On a 16 or lower, a giant spider has dropped silently behind the party and gets a surprise round.
  • On a 17+, you are not surprised and the spider is 10 ft away.

Roll for initiative.

Giant Spider
AC 14            HP 26
STR+2            DEX+3           CON+1           INT-4             WIS+0            CHA-3
Bite. +5; 1d8+3 and DC 11 CON or 2d8 poison. Dropping to 0 paralyzes and poisons.
Web (Recharge 5-6). +5, 30/60; target restrained. DC 12 STR to escape, or fire.

Tilda Nightshade’s Hut

As dusk is beginning to fall, you come across a raised path that is lined with wooden stakes, each topped with a severed head.

Would you like to take a short rest?

The raised path leads to a wooden hut on a small hill. From the eaves of the hut hang bottles filled with murky, mysterious substances. Hollow reeds knock together in the wind.

What’s the game plan?

The door swings outward, apparently of its own accord. You can see inside the hut, which is crammed full of skins and jars and a cauldron bubbling over a fire. You do not see anyone.

If they look around:

  • DC 15 to sense the presence of four invisible imps hovering around the party.
  • Tilda Nightshade is standing inside, invisible. She can only be detected by magic.

After another minute, the hut bursts into flames! Make a Dexterity saving throw.

You look down in panic, and then you realize you aren’t injured at all. The flames must be an illusion.

From the hut you hear a voice: “Who comes to visit Tilda Nightshade, hm? Is it a tasty snack?”

The hag Tilda Nightshade steps out through the illusory flames. She has mottled green skin, yellow eyes, and long thin hair.

The party notices that Tilda Nightshade is wearing amulets and rings of all shapes and sizes. If a character gets within 5 ft, lightning zaps out from one of her amulets, dealing 1d6 damage.

Bargaining With Tilda Nightshade

Tilda Nightshade will not accept a deal that is not in her favor. She will try to figure out why the characters want the stone of Yiffrey and may hint that Lord Bailic could be involved.

  • She has the stone but will not show it to the characters.
  • She is willing to exchange the stone for:
    • The plumpest, sweetest character staying with her for dinner.
    • The characters retrieving a dragon-shaped ring from the boss goblin of a nearby goblin raider camp.
      “What does it do? Don’t worry your pretty little head about that.”
  • On an Insight check:
    • 11-15: Tilda Nightshade thinks she’s getting the better deal.
    • 16+: Tilda Nightshade finds this whole situation very, very amusing.

If the characters become hostile or annoy her too much, Tilda Nightshade will simply disappear and let her imps take care of them.

Two axes crossed on top of a shaggy animal hide.
Image by Valerii Iavtushenko

Chapter 3: The Goblin Camp

Approaching the Camp

Night has fallen over the Dismal Swamp. You hear the chirring of many insects, and those without darkvision can hardly see their hand in front of their face.

What is your plan to reach the goblin raider camp and retrieve the dragon-shaped ring?

The party would have enough general knowledge of goblins to expect the dragon-shaped ring to be carried or worn by the goblin boss.

If they decide to camp out for the night:

  • Make a Nature or Survival check to set up a concealed camp.
  • Regardless of the roll result, describe the characters taking turns on watch. During the third watch, the character hears rustling of something large moving through the reeds, and it passes them by without noticing them.

When they look for the goblin camp:

  • (At night): DC 15 Survival check to find signs of the camp, with disadvantage if they do not have darkvision and have not lit torches, etc.
  • (During the day): DC 12 Survival check to find signs of the camp.
  • A failed check results in an encounter with needle blights. After the encounter, the party stumbles upon the goblin raider camp.
Needle Blight
AC 12            HP 11            Blindsight 60 ft
STR+1            DEX+1           CON+1           INT-1             WIS-1            CHA-4
Branches. +3; 2d4+1.
Needles. +3, 30/60; 2d6+1.

Infiltrating the Camp

The goblin camp is surrounded by a wall of sharpened stakes. The only entrance is guarded by two goblins.

Inside the camp are a dozen tents, one significantly larger than the rest. Many of the goblins are out raiding. Only 8 goblins and 1 goblin boss are in the camp (including the 2 guarding the entrance).

If the party gets into serious trouble, a rival band of lizardfolk attacks the camp and gives a convenient distraction. They are only level 1, after all.

The goblin boss cares about his survival just more than his pride. He will give the characters the ring in exchange for his life, though he may act as though he is “scaring off” the characters when they are leaving.

The ring is a Ring of the Dragon Hoard (requires attunement). It allows the wearer to know the exact location of all their possessions at any time. It does not identify magic items.

Once they have the ring and have safely left the goblin camp, the party reaches Level 2!

AC 15            HP 7
STR-1            DEX+2           CON+0           INT+0            WIS-1            CHA-1
Scimitar or Shortbow. +4 (80/320); 1d6+2.
Nimble Escape. Disengage or Hide as a bonus action each turn.

Goblin Boss
AC 17            HP 21
STR+0            DEX+2           CON+0           INT+0            WIS-1            CHA+0
Scimitar. Two attacks, 2nd disadvantage. +4 (80/320); 1d6+2.
Redirect Attack. Switches places w/ goblin w/in 5ft to avoid visible attack.

Closing the Deal

Tilda Nightshade assumes the characters will try to cross her (it’s what she would do, after all). She greets them with her illusory double while she stands invisible in her hut.

If the characters play it straight, Tilda Nightshade’s double takes the dragon-shaped ring and hands them the blood moonstone that belongs in the Belt of Yiffrey.

If they are in any way uncooperative:

  • Tilda Nightshade throws a dried frog in her cauldron to cast Darkness.
  • The imps can see in magical darkness and attack.
  • Tilda Nightshade uses her lair action to walk through the wall.
  • Tilda Nightshade turns invisible again and simply leaves.
  • The double is holding the blood moonstone in the hut. If it takes damage, it vanishes and drops the stone with a thud.
AC 13            HP 10            Speed 40 flying
STR-2            DEX+3           CON+1           INT+0            WIS+1            CHA+2
Sting. +5; 1d4+3 and DC 11 CON or 3d6 poison, save halves.
Invisibility. Turns invisible until attacks or loses concentration.
Resistance. Advantage on saves against spells. Resistance to non-magical weapons.
Immunity. Immune to fire, poison, and poisoned condition.

Tilda Nightshade
AC 17            HP 82
STR+4            DEX+1           CON+3           INT+2            WIS+5            CHA+3
Invisible Passage. Turns invisible until attacks, casts spell, or loses concentration.
Well Warded. Start of turn, all hostile w/in 5ft, DC 15 DEX or 1d6 lightning.
Deathly Touch. Attacks twice. +6; 2d8+4 necrotic, regains half as HP.

A stained glass image of a king.
Image by Mariusz Matuszewski

Chapter 4: The Belt of Yiffrey

You head back to Eltureal, glowing with the success of your journey.

Prompt to short or long rest depending on time of day.

When you reach the city, you notice people are giving you a respectful distance. At first you think this is because of your newfound prowess, but when a street urchin runs past holding his nose, you realize it’s because you stink.

You arrive at the Lord Bailic’s manor and are taken around back to the servants’ quarters to wash off the swamp muck.

The lord is dining with his lady, a young man who looks like his son, and a handful of other nobles. He stands when you are brought into the chamber.

“Ah, my loyal servants have returned! Lords and ladies, you are in for quite the treat this evening!” He beckons for you to come to him and looks at you expectantly.

  • Once the characters give the lord the blood moonstone, he tells a servant to see to their pay and turns back to his guests.
  • “This is no ordinary stone! When inserted into this belt, it will surround me in a protective aura that will deflect the most malicious curses. Behold, the Belt of Yiffrey!”
  • Lord Bailic inserts the stone into his belt. It flashes with a deep red light.
  • The guests applaud politely.
  • Beneath your feet is a loud noise, and the wooden floor trembles.
  • “Did you hear that?” “It’s coming from the mausoleum!”
  • The floor splinters as a decayed fist punches through it, and three well-dressed zombies climb into the hall.

Roll for initiative.

Every round, the blood moonstone flashes and 3 more zombies enter the room.

AC 8              HP 12
STR+1            DEX-2            CON+3           INT-4             WIS-2            CHA-3
Slam. +3; 1d6+1.
Undead Fortitude. DC 10 CON or drops to 1 HP instead of 0 (unless radiant or crit).

Belt of Yiffrey
AC 10            HP 10
Draw Undead. Corpses w/in 60 ft animate and move towards the Belt of Yiffrey.

As you slay the last zombie, and the corpse crumbles into thick, gray dust, everyone in the room stands silently for a moment, breathing heavily.

“That was amazing!” Lord Bailic exclaims. “Who are you people?”

The lord rewards them with 400 gp and offers them positions on the city guard.

  • If they decline:
    As the leave the lord’s manor, purses bulging with gold, a wind from the north sweeps through the city and brings with is the smell of mountains and ogres and old-fashioned adventure.
  • If they accept:
    Over the next year of your employment on the guard, you have a tendency to be involved whenever something exceptionally dangerous or strange occurs. You are formed into a special unit, and one night you leave your post and never return. The general opinion is that you found something far more interesting to do.

The End.

Conclusion & Video

The session went very well. It may become a regular event.

One of the players has a hobby YouTube channel, and she posted a 16 min video of highlights from the session. Shared below for your viewing pleasure.

You will notice in the video that I tried a tight combat map to illustrate the 30-feet-per-turn phenomenon. The center was too small and the thick black line was treated like a wall that could not be crossed. It is a lesson for next time.

Thank you for joining me on this introductory adventure. And as ever, keep exploring.

(Post cover image by Jake Parkinson.)

3 responses to “The Belt of Yiffrey: An Introductory 5e Adventure”

  1. sopantooth Avatar

    Nice intro adventure, really enjoyed this

    1. TheNatureGM Avatar

      Thanks, I appreciate it!

  2. talaraska Avatar

    This was fantastic. Always great to meet new players. Hope it becomes a regular thing.

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